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The third newsletter is currently being printed and scheduled to be mailed before the end of September 1999. It includes information for the next all class reunion to be held June 22-25, 2000 in Asheville, NC as well as a variety of other news tidbits. If you have not sent me your "snail mail" address, please do so, and we will get your newsletter to you. As previously stated, copying, printing, and postage costs had been at my own personal expense. Thanks to all those who bought raffle tickets at the reunion, we were able to provide this newsletter from our own contributions. If you are enjoying the benefits of re-connecting with friends because of this homepage, newsletters, and future reunion plans, please consider supporting your association to help defray these costs. CLICK HERE TO SEE HOW. Although the average cost of a newsletter is around 50 cents, multiply that by 2600 and it becomes quite costly. This does not include phone calls or returned mail that goes out again. Your sponsorship would help greatly in continuing the database efforts. As publisher of the newsletter and this homepage, I wholeheartedly enjoy "finding" or being "found" by each and every one of you. I have the time and the energy to continue the search, however, my personal budget is limited. This is YOUR alumni group. Sponsorship funds may be mailed to: Sharon Mehaffey Laubenstein
It will soon be time for the next newsletter. I desperately need articles to add to the newsletter. If you have a thought or something you'd like to share, or even just a synopsis of your life since high school, please let me know. This is your newsletter too and I'd very much like to see it filled with news from all of you. E-mail anything you'd like added. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
You will find current sponsor name recognition on the SUPPORT YOUR ASSOCIATION page. ![]() ![]() ![]()