
Who Are We?
An organization called Overseas Brats, Inc. developed a number of years ago. It grew so rapidly that Overseas Brats asked for volunteers from each school to maintain their own databases, set up alumni associations and host reunions.
Misawa/Edgren High School has not previously had an organized Alumni Association. However, the number of former alumni found in the last two years, made this the perfect time to organize.
Kathy Rose Ray, Class of '74, was one of the first school representatives for Misawa/Edgren High School alumni. She volunteered many hours and funds to locate and maintain the initial database. There have been many who have contributed to the locating and maintaining of individual classes.
I am Sharon Mehaffey Laubenstein, Class of '71, the primary alumni school representative for Misawa/Edgren High School and President of the Misawa/Edgren HS Alumni Association. I locate former alumni and maintain a centralized, complete database. I assisted with the mailout of the Overseas Brats Reunion in DC in 1996 and I am the publisher/editor of the newsletter. I have been to two all-school Grand Reunions ('93 & '96) and decided to jump in with both feet. It is amazing how many of us are online!
As our database continues to grow at a rapid pace, the time and funds volunteered becomes much more expensive. We have added many willing volunteers to be class representatives and keep up with your class year. At this time, all locating (phone bills and postage), mail outs, time involved, etc. is done voluntarily. We have grown and need your help. If you would be interested, please E-MAIL me below.
****IMPORTANT NOTE**** I need to clear up an important issue regarding the database. I am the only one with a complete database. Even Overseas Brats does not maintain a complete database. There are many class representatives who are searching and collecting data as well and have access to the portion of database they help to maintain. They are invaluable as they take on part of the locating load. It will be greatly appreciated if you allow them to pass your address/phone number information on to me. I try to keep the data compiled in a central location for newsletter and reunion information purposes. Some of you turn your address information in to Overseas Brats. We only receive that information about once a year (the reason for each school being responsible for itself).
We try to ask each of you for permission to pass along your information to OTHER former classmates. Occassionally we forget. Most are very happy to hear from other classmates, but in respecting privacy, some prefer we make contact directly with them prior to passing addresses and phone numbers along. If you DO NOT want your information given out to OTHER CLASSMATES/FACULTY ONLY, please let me know right away so that I might make note of it. If you are contacted by another classmate for purposes OTHER than re-connecting, please let me know by e-mailing below.
I want to thank each of you for your cooperation. The sole purpose of an alumni association is to renew and re-connect with our "long lost friends." This is a good thing.
